The VN906 is a stereo preamplifier with norm RIAA frequency response compensation for use in turntables with moving magnet or moving coil cartridges. The VN906 has five stage: -Moving coil stage: two options 1)transformer(**) or 2)transistor JFET(*) -First Stage; transistor JFET, voltage gain. -Second stage: passive RIAA compensation network. -Third stage: transistor JFET, voltage gain. -Fourth stage: transistor MOSFET pure class A, current gain. The VN906 is manufactured entirely with discrete components, there is no integrated circuits in the audio signal path. The VN906 two channels are galvanic isolated from chassis in order to avoid ground loops. To minimize the electromagnetic interference or EDI the VN906 has magnetic absorbing components. The main power supply are composed by maintenance free batteries. When the VN906 is power off a charger refresh the batteries. Características: Input sensitivity: 0.4mV to MC, 4mV to MM Output voltage: 0dbm (0.775V) Input impedance: MM 47Kohms in parallel with 100p/200p/300p/400p selectionable MC 100ohms (With your cartridge specification we match the input impedance in our factory) (*)El transistor JFET (Juntion Field Efect Transistor) es, al día de hoy, el dispositivo electrónico con menor ruido. Se obtienen amplificadores con un orden de magnitud menor en el factor de ruido (noise figure). Virtualmente no tiene ruido por conducción de corriente y ruido popcorn. Menor distorsión y mayor ancho de banda. Es la opción obligada para amplificadores de phono norma RIAA con características hi-end. Ver "National Semiconductor Application Note AN151" (**)We use a Lundahl LL9206 transformer.
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